Bridging the Soft Skills Gap

Bridging the Soft Skills Gap

How to Teach the Missing Basics to the New Hybrid Workforce

Tulgan, Bruce

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Part One the Soft Skills Gap 1

Prologue Meet the Workforce of the Future 3

Chapter 1 The Soft Skills Gap 9

The Soft Skills Gap: Growing Steadily from Gen X to Millennials to Gen Z to Whoever Comes Next 11

Something Much Larger Is Going on Here: The Post- Boomer Generational Shift 11

Soft Skills Are - Sort of - About Conforming in an Age of Non conformism 14

The Soft Skills Gap: The Missing Basics in Today's Workforce 17

Face the Hard Realities of the Soft Skills Gap 24

Chapter 2 You Can't Hire Your Way Around the Soft Skills Gap 27

Staffing Strategy and Hiring 28

Onboarding and Up- to- Speed Training 33

Performance Management and Talent Development36 Ongoing Training 38

The Human Element: What Role Are You Going to Play? 43

Become a Teaching Style Manager 45

Take It to the Next Level 48

Chapter 3 Unlocking the Power of Soft Skills 49

Drill Down: The Missing Basics 52

Unlocking the Power of Soft Skills 54

Unlocking the Power: The Rest of This Book 59

Part Two Teaching the Missing Basics 61

Chapter 4 Teaching the Missing Basics of Professionalism 63

Teaching Self- Evaluation 63

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #1 68

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #2 - Evaluating Yourself on Ability, Skill, and Will 69

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #3 - Evaluating Yourself on Productivity, Quality, and Behavior 70

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #4 - Evaluating Yourself on the Key Soft Skills Competencies71

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #5 - Drill Down on Understanding the Key Soft Skills Competencies76

Self- Evaluation: Lesson Plan #6 - Explore Your Own Successes with the Key Soft Skills 80

Teaching Personal Responsibility 84

Personal Responsibility: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 86

Personal Responsibility: Lesson Plan #2 - All the Factors That Get in Your Way 87

Personal Responsibility: Lesson Plan #3 - Considering the Most Common Factors, Mostly Outside Your Own Control, That Get in the Way at Work 88

Personal Responsibility: Lesson Plan #4 - Response Power 90

Teaching Positive Attitude 92

Positive Attitude: Lesson Plan #1 - Considering Theories of How to Be Your Best at Work 94

Positive Attitude: Lesson Plan #2 - Defining "Good Attitude" Behaviors 95

Positive Attitude: Lesson Plan #3 - Considering the Most Common Bad Attitudes 96

Positive Attitude: Lesson Plan #4 - Considering Good Attitude Behaviors 98

Positive Attitude: Lesson Plan #5 - for Individuals Who Need an Attitude Adjustment100

Teaching Good Work Habits 101

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #1 - Overview: Wellness, Self- Presentation, Timeliness, Productivity, Attention to Detail, Follow- Through, Initiative 104

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #2 - Self- Assessment 106

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #3 - Self- Improvement Planning 108

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #4 - Wellness 109

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #5 - Planning a Wellness Initiative 110

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #6 - Self- Presentation 113

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #7 - Using a Time Log to Learn to Start Living by a Schedule 115

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #8 - How to Make a Basic Project Plan 119

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #9 - Taking Notes and Making Checklists 121

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #10 - How to Do a Time/Motion Study on Your Own Work 123

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #11 - Spotlight on Follow- Through 124

Good Work Habits: Lesson Plan #12 - Going the Extra Mile 125

Teaching Interpersonal Communication Skills 126

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 129

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #2 - Self-Assessment 131

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #3 - Learning to Use the "People List" 133

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #4 - Put More Structure into Your Communication 137

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #5 - Put More Substance into Your Communication 139

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #6 - Preparing for Meetings 141

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #7 - Email Best Practices 142

Interpersonal Communication Skills: Lesson Plan #8 - Communicating Remotely 144

Chapter 5 Teaching the Missing Basics of Critical Thinking 147

Teaching Proactive Learning 147

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #1 - Knowledge Work 151

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #2 - Open Mind 155

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #3 - Suspend Judgment, Question Assumptions, and Seek to Learn 158

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #4 - Question Assumptions: What Do You Know? What Don't You Know? 160

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #5 - Seeking Out Information, Technique, and Perspective 161

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #6 - Studying Information to Build Knowledge164

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #7 - Practicing Technique to Build Skills 166

Proactive Learning: Lesson Plan #8 - Contemplating Competing Perspectives to Build Wisdom 168

Teaching Problem Solving 170

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 173

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #2 - Preventing or Avoiding Problems Before They Happen 174

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #3 - Ready- Made Solutions to Commonly Occurring Problems 175

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #4 - Common Denominators and Underlying Principles 177

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #5 - Applying the "After- Action" Review Tool 178

Problem Solving: Lesson Plan #6 - Using the After- Action Review Tool to Learn from Others 180

Teaching Decision Making 181

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 184

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #2 - Information Analysis: Simple Pros and Cons 186

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #3 - Cause and Effect: Positive Outcomes 188

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #4 - Cause and Effect: Negative Outcomes 189

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #5 - Applying the After- Action Review Tool 190

Decision Making: Lesson Plan #6 - Using the "Decision/Action Tree" 191

Chapter 6 Teaching the Missing Basics of Teamwork 193

Teaching Respect for Context 193

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 196

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #2 - Reading the Structure, Rules, Customs, Leadership 197

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #3 - Where Do You Fit? 199

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #4 - What Do You Need to Do to Adapt? 200

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #5 - Context- Limiting Factors 201

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #6 - Complicated Relationships 202

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #7 - Positive Contexts 203

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #8 - Negative Contexts 204

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #9 - Dealing with People with Bad Attitudes 205

Respect for Context: Lesson Plan #10 - Dealing with People with "Great" Attitudes 207

Teaching Citizenship 208

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 211

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #2 - The "Respect" for Others Model 213

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #3 - The "Best Interests" Model 215

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #4 - The "Civic" Model 216

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #5 - The "Communitarian" Model 217

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #6 - The "Common Sense" Model 218

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #7 - The "Solid Standards" Model 220

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #8 - The "Personal Sacrifice" Model 222

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #9 - The Theodore Roosevelt Model 224

Good Citizenship: Lesson Plan #10 - Create Your Own Model 225

Teaching Service 226

Service: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 230

Service: Lesson Plan #2 - Common Myths About "Service" in the Workplace 232

Service: Lesson Plan #3 - Realities About Service in the Workplace 233

Service: Lesson Plan #4 - Myths Versus Realities in the Workplace 234

Service: Lesson Plan #5 - The "Be a Great Employee" Model of Service 239

Service: Lesson Plan #6 - The "Service" Approach to One- on- Ones Between Managers and Direct Reports 240

Service: Lesson Plan #7 - The Service Approach to Meeting Attendance and Participation 243

Service: Lesson Plan #8 - Helping Your Boss Monitor Your Performance 245

Service: Lesson Plan #9 - Putting Yourself on a Performance Improvement Plan 248

Teaching How to Play Your Position 249

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #1 - Introduction 253

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #2 - Defining the Dimensions of Playing Your Role on the Team/Teamwork 255

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #3 - Your Role in Relation to the Mission 257

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #4 - Coordinating, Cooperating, and Collaborating with Others 258

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #5 - Supporting and Celebrating the Success of Others 260

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #6 - Identifying Your "Go To" People and Building Relationships with Them 261

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #7 - Becoming a "Go To" Person for Others 262

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #8 - How to Use Influence to Get Things Done 263

Playing Your Position on the Team: Lesson Plan #9 - Consider the Lessons About Teamwork from This US Air Force Special Operations Team 264

Lesson Plan List: 92 Different Lesson Plans 267

Acknowledgments 273

About the Author 277

Index 279
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Soft skills development; soft skills leadership; soft leadership; leadership handbook; leadership guide; learning soft skills; critical thinking; professionalism; teamwork; teamwork development; professionalism development