Heat Transfer Basics

Heat Transfer Basics

A Concise Approach to Problem Solving

Ghojel, Jamil

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Preface xiii

Acknowledgements xv

List of Symbols xvii

About the Companion Website xxi

1 Basic Concepts of Heat and Mass Transfer 1

1.1 Heat Transfer and Its Relationship With Thermodynamics 1

1.2 Heat Conduction 3

1.3 Heat Convection 6

1.4 Thermal Radiation 8

1.5 Mass Transfer 11

2 One-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction 19

2.1 General Heat Conduction Equation 19

2.1.1 Cartesian Coordinate System 19

2.1.2 Cylindrical Coordinate System 22

2.1.3 Spherical Coordinate System 23

2.2 Special Conditions of the General Conduction Equation 25

2.2.1 Constant Thermal Conductivity k With Energy Storage and Generation 25

2.2.2 Variable Thermal Conductivity and No Internal Energy Storage and Generation 26

2.2.3 Variable Thermal Conductivity With Internal Energy Generation and No Energy Storage 26

2.3 One-Dimensional Steady-State Conduction 26

2.3.1 Plane Wall (or Plate) Without Heat Generation and Storage 26 Constant Thermal Conductivity 26 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 28 Composite Plane Wall 31

2.3.2 Boundary Conditions 33

2.3.3 Hollow Cylinder (Tube) Without Heat Generation and Storage 36 Constant Thermal Conductivity 36 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 38 Composite Cylinder 41 Critical Thickness of Cylinder Insulation 43 Effect of Order of Insulation Material 47

2.3.4 Hollow Spherical Shell Without Heat Generation and Storage 48 Constant Thermal Conductivity 48 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 49 Composite Spherical Shell 51

2.3.5 Plate With Internal Heat Generation, No Heat Storage, and Uniform Heat Dissipation By Convection 54 Constant Thermal Conductivity 54 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 56

2.3.6 Plate With Internal Heat Generation and Non-Uniform Heat Dissipation By Convection 57 Constant Thermal Conductivity 58 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 59

2.3.7 Solid Cylinder With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection 60 Constant Thermal Conductivity 60 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 62

2.3.8 Hollow Cylinder With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From the Outer Surface 62 Constant Thermal Conductivity 62 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 65

2.3.9 Hollow Cylinder With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From the Inner Surface 65 Constant Thermal Conductivity 65 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 67

2.3.10 Hollow Cylinder With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From Both Inner and Outer Surfaces 68 Constant Thermal Conductivity 68 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 71

2.3.11 Solid Sphere With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection and No Heat Storage 72 Constant Thermal Conductivity 73 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 75

2.3.12 Hollow Sphere With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From the Outer Surface and No Heat Storage 76 Constant Thermal Conductivity 76 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 78

2.3.13 Hollow Sphere With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From the Inner Surface and No Heat Storage 79 Constant Thermal Conductivity 79 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity 81

2.3.14 Hollow Sphere With Internal Heat Generation and Heat Dissipation By Convection From Both the Inner and Outer Surfaces and No Heat Storage 82 Constant Thermal Conductivity 83 Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity With Specified Inner and Outer Surface Temperature 87

2.4 Interface Contact Resistance 89

3 Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces 97

3.1 Pin Fin of Rectangular Profile and Circular Cross-Section 98

3.1.1 Pin Fin of Finite Length and Un-Insulated Tip 98

3.1.2 Pin Fin of Finite Length and Insulated Tip 102

3.1.3 Pin Fin of Infinite Length 103

3.1.4 Fin Efficiency 105

3.2 Straight Fin of Rectangular Profile and Uniform Thickness 106

3.3 Pin Fin of Triangular Profile and Circular Cross-Section (Conical Pin Fin) 109

3.4 Straight Fins of Variable Cross-Sectional Area 110

3.4.1 Fin of Trapezoidal Profile 111

3.4.2 Direct Solution of the Straight Fin of Trapezoidal Profile 115

3.4.3 Straight Fin of Triangular Profile 117

3.4.4 Correction Factor Solution Method for Straight Fins of Variable Cross-Sectional Area 119

3.4.5 Straight Fin of Convex Parabolic Profile 121

3.4.6 Straight Fin of Concave Parabolic Profile 125

3.5 Annular Fins 126

3.5.1 Straight Annular Fin of Uniform Thickness 126

3.5.2 Direct Solution of the Straight Annular Fin of Uniform Thickness 129

3.5.3 Correction Factor Solution Method for Annular Fins of Uniform Thickness 132

3.5.4 Circular (Annular) Fin of Triangular Profile 134

3.5.5 Annular Fin of Hyperbolic Profile 136

3.6 Other Fin Shapes 137

3.7 Heat Transfer Through Finned Walls 138

4 Two-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction 151

4.1 Analytical Method 151

4.1.1 Two-Dimensional Plate With Finite Length and Width and Constant Boundary Conditions 154 Temperature Distribution 154 Rate of Heat Transfer 157

4.1.2 Two-Dimensional Plate With Finite Length and Nonconstant Boundary Conditions 159 Temperature Distribution 159 Rate of Heat Transfer 161

4.1.3 Two-Dimensional Plate With Semi-Infinite Length 161

4.1.4 Other Boundary Conditions 163

4.1.5 Two-Dimensional Semi-Circular Plate (Or Cylinder) With Prescribed Boundary Conditions 165

4.2 Conduction Shape Factor Method 166

4.3 Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction Problems 172

4.3.1 Interior Node 173

4.3.2 Plane-Surface Node 175

4.3.3 Interior Node Near Curved Surface 176

4.3.4 Finite Difference Formulation in Cylindrical Coordinates 181

4.4 Solution Methods for Finite-Difference Models 182

4.4.1 Matrix Inversion Method 182

4.4.2 Iterative Methods (Gauss-Seidel Method) 188

5 Transient Conduction 195

5.1 Analytical Solutions of One-Dimensional Distributed Systems 196

5.1.1 Heating or Cooling of an Infinite Plate 196

5.1.2 Analysis of the Plate Solution 199 Other Boundary Conditions 201

5.1.3 Heating or Cooling of an Infinite Solid Cylinder 202

5.1.4 Heating or Cooling of a Sphere 206

5.1.5 Heisler Charts 209

5.2 Time-Dependent and Spatially Uniform Temperature Distribution 210

5.2.1 Lumped Capacitance Method 211

5.3 Multi-Dimensional Transient Conduction Systems 214

5.3.1 Long Rectangular Bar 214

5.3.2 Short Cylinder 216

5.3.3 Rectangular Parallelepiped 218

5.4 Finite-Difference Method for Solving Transient Conduction Problems 221

5.4.1 Explicit Finite-Difference Method 221 One-Dimensional Transient Conduction 222 Two-Dimensional Transient Conduction 224

5.4.2 Implicit Finite-Difference Method 226 One-Dimensional Transient Conduction 226 Two-Dimensional Transient Conduction 227

5.4.3 Finite Difference Formulation in Cylindrical Coordinates 227

6 Fundamentals of Convection Heat Transfer 243

6.1 Convection Governing Equation 243

6.2 Viscosity 244

6.3 Types of Flow 244

6.4 The Hydrodynamic (Velocity) Boundary Layer 245

6.4.1 Flow Over a Flat Plate 245

6.4.2 Flow Inside a Cylindrical Tube 246

6.4.3 Flow Over Tube or Sphere 247

6.5 The Thermal Boundary Layer 249

6.6 Dimensional Analysis 250

6.6.1 The Rayleigh Method 252

6.6.2 Buckingham Pi (? or ?) Theorem 255

6.7 Geometric Similarity and Other Considerations 258

7 Forced Convection - External Flows 263

7.1 Flow Over a Flat Plate 263

7.1.1 Laminar Flow Over a Flat Plate 263

7.1.2 Turbulent Flow Over a Flat Plate 268

7.2 Flow Over a Cylindrical Tube 271

7.3 Tube Banks in Crossflow 274

7.3.1 Banks of Smooth Tubes 275

7.3.2 Banks of Rough Staggered Tubes 277

7.4 Flow Over Non-Circular Tubes 279

7.5 Flow Over Spheres 279

8 Forced Convection - Internal Flows 285

8.1 Forced Convection Inside Tubes 285

8.2 Laminar Forced Convection (Region I) 286

8.2.1 Fully Developed Flow 287

8.2.2 Non-Circular Tubes 290

8.2.3 Laminar Forced Convection Correlations 291

8.3 Turbulent Forced Convection (Region III) 294

8.3.1 Forced Convection for Flow in the Transition Region (Region II) 299

9 Natural (Free) Convection 305

9.1 Boundary Layer in Free Convection 305

9.2 Governing Equation for Laminar Boundary Layer 306

9.3 Application of Dimensional Analysis to Natural Convection 308

9.4 Empirical Correlations for Natural Convection 310

9.4.1 Vertical Plates 311

9.4.2 Horizontal Plates 312

9.4.3 Inclined Plates 314

9.4.4 Long Horizontal Cylinder 314

9.4.5 Spheres 315

9.4.6 Flow in Channels 315

9.4.7 Flow in Closed Spaces 316 Vertical Rectangular Cavity 316 Horizontal Fluid Layer 317 Concentric Cylinders 319 Concentric Spheres 320

9.5 Mixed Free and Forced Convection 323

10 Thermal Radiation 327

10.1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 328

10.2 Definitions and Radiation Properties 328

10.3 Shape Factors 333

10.3.1 Reciprocity Rule 334

10.3.2 Summation Rule 335

10.3.3 Superposition Rule 336

10.3.4 Symmetry Rule 337

10.3.5 String Rule 338

10.4 Determination of Shape Factors for Finite Surfaces 340

10.5 Shape Factor Equations 344

11 Thermal Radiation 361

11.1 Radiation Exchange Between Two Grey Surfaces 361

11.2 Thermal Radiation Networks 363

11.2.1 Grey Object in Grey Enclosure 363

11.2.2 Radiation Exchange Between Two Grey Surfaces 364

11.2.3 Three Infinitely Long Parallel Planes 364

11.2.4 Radiation Exchange Between Several Grey Surfaces 366

11.2.5 Enclosure With Four Long Grey Surfaces That See Each Other 368

11.2.6 Enclosure With Three Long Grey Surfaces That See Each Other 369

11.2.7 Three Surfaces With One of Them Insulated 370

11.2.8 Two Parallel Flat Plates of Equal Finite Size in Very Large Room 371

11.2.9 Two Surfaces With One of Them Insulated in Large Room 371

11.3 Radiation Exchange With Participating Medium 374

11.3.1 Absorption of Radiation 375

11.3.2 Gaseous Emission 375

11.3.3 Gas-Mass to Surface Radiation Heat Transfer 378

11.4 Combined Radiation and Convection 384

12 Heat Exchangers 391

12.1 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 391

12.2 The LMTD Method of Heat Exchanger Analysis 394

12.2.1 Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers 394

12.2.2 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers 398

12.2.3 Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers 402

12.2.4 LMTD Thermal Design Procedure 405

12.3 The Effectiveness-NTU Method of Heat-Exchanger Analysis 408

12.3.1 Effectiveness-NTU Relation for Parallel-Flow Exchanger 409

12.3.2 Effectiveness-NTU Relation for Counter-Flow Exchanger 411

12.3.3 Other Types of Heat Exchangers 413

12.3.4 Effectiveness-NTU Thermal Design Procedure 413

13 Heat Transfer With Phase Change 425

13.1 Heat Transfer in Condensing Vapours 425

13.1.1 Filmwise Condensation 425

13.1.2 Flow Regimes of the Condensate Film 430 Laminar Flow Regime 431 Laminar Wavy Regime 431 Turbulent Flow Regime 433

13.1.3 Film Condensation Outside Horizontal Tubes 435

13.1.4 Film Condensation Inside Horizontal Tubes 438 Laminar Flow 438 Turbulent Flow 439

13.1.5 Dropwise Condensation 441

13.2 Boiling Heat Transfer 442

13.2.1 Pool Boiling 442

13.2.2 Film Boiling 446

13.2.3 Forced-Convection Boiling 447

14 Mass Transfer 453

14.1 Species Concentrations 453

14.2 Diffusion Mass Transfer 456

14.3 Steady Mass Diffusion Through a Plane Wall 460

14.4 Diffusion of Vapour Through a Stationary Gas 461

14.5 Steady-State Equimolar Counter Diffusion 463

14.6 Mass Convection 465

14.6.1 Forced Mass Convection Correlations 466

14.6.2 Natural (Free) Mass Convection Correlations 468

14.7 Simultaneous Mass and Heat Transfer 470


Appendix B 477

Appendix C 491

Appendix D 495

Appendix N 501

References 509

Index 513
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free convection; boiling and condensation; radiation; heat transfer in gases; heat exchangers; heat transfer textbook; heat transfer worked solutions; conduction; natural convection; forced convection; heat transfer analysis