Fundamentals of Electroceramics
Fundamentals of Electroceramics
Materials, Devices, and Applications
Pandey, R. K.
John Wiley & Sons Inc
15 a 20 dias
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Preface xiii
About the CompanionWebsite xvii
1 Nature and Types of Solid Materials 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Defining Properties of Solids 1
1.2.1 Electrical Conductance (G) 1
1.2.2 Bandgap, Eg 2
1.2.3 Permeability, ?? 3
1.3 Fundamental Nature of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4 Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4.1 Case of Metals 5
1.4.2 Case of Semiconductors 5
1.4.3 Frequency Spectrum of Permittivity (or Dielectric Constant) 6
1.5 Essential Elements of Quantum Mechanics 7
1.5.1 Planck' Radiation Law 7
1.5.2 Photoelectric Effect 8
1.5.3 Bohr'sTheory of Hydrogen Atom 10
1.5.4 Matter-Wave Duality: de Broglie Hypothesis 11
1.5.5 Schroedinger'sWave Equation 12
1.5.6 Heisneberg's Uncertainty Principle 13
1.6 Quantum Numbers 13
1.7 Pauli Exclusion Principle 14
1.8 Periodic Table of Elements 15
1.9 Some Important Concepts of Solid-State Physics 18
1.9.1 Ceramic Superconductivity 18
1.9.2 Superconductivity and Technology 19
1.10 Signature Properties of Superconductors 19
1.10.1 Thermal Behavior of Resistivity of a Superconductor 20
1.10.2 Magnetic Nature of Superconductivity: Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect 20
1.10.3 Josephson Effect 22
1.11 Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 24
1.12 Band Structure of Solids 27
Glossary 29
Problems 30
References 31
Further Reading 31
2 Processing of Electroceramics 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Basic Concepts of Equilibrium Phase Diagram 33
2.2.1 Gibbs' Phase Rule 34
2.2.2 Triple Point and Interfaces 34
2.2.3 Binary Phase Diagrams 35 Totally Miscible Systems 35 Systems with Limited Solubility in Solid Phase 37
2.3 Methods of Ceramic Processing 38
2.3.1 Room Temperature Uniaxial Pressing (RTUP) 38
2.3.2 Other Methods for Powder Compaction and Densification 41 Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) 41 Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) 41 Low Temperature Sintering (LTP) 42
2.3.3 Nanoceramics 42
2.3.4 Thin Film Ceramics 42
2.3.5 Methods for Film Growth 43 Solgel Method 43 Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Method 44 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Method 46 RF Magnetron Sputtering Method 47 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) Method 49
2.3.6 Single Crystal Growth Methods for Ceramics 49 High Temperature Solution Growth (HTSG) Method or Flux Growth Method 50 Czochralski Growth Method 51 Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG) Method 52 Hydrothermal Growth 53 Some Other Methods of Crystal Growth 53
Glossary 54
Problems 55
References 55
3 Methods for Materials Characterization 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Methods for Surface and Structural Characterization 57
3.2.1 Optical Microscopes 58
3.2.2 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) 60 XRD Diffractometer: Intensity vs. 2?? Plot 60 Laue X-ray Diffraction Method 61
3.2.3 Electron Microscopes 63 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 64 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 65 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) 65 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 66
3.2.4 Force Microscopy 68 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 68 Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM) 69 Piezoelectric Force Microscope (PFM) 69
Glossary 70
Problems 71
References 71
4 Binding Forces in Solids and Essential Elements of Crystallography 73
4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 Binding Forces in Solids 73
4.2.1 Ionic Bonding 74
4.2.2 Covalent Bonding 74
4.2.3 Metallic Bonding 74
4.2.4 Van der Waals Bonding 75
4.2.5 Polar-molecule-induced Dipole Bonds 75
4.2.6 Permanent Dipole Bonding 75
4.3 Structure-Property Relationship 75
4.4 Basic Crystal Structures 77
4.4.1 Bravais Lattice 78
4.4.2 Miller Indices for Planes and Directions 79 Rule for Indexing a Crystal Direction 80
4.5 Reciprocal Lattice 81
4.6 Relationship between d* and Miller Indices for Selected Crystal Systems 81
4.7 Typical Examples of Crystal Structures 82
4.7.1 Sodium Chloride, NaCl 82
4.7.2 Perovskite Calcium Titanate 82
4.7.3 Diamond Structure 83
4.7.4 Zinc Blende (Also Wurtzite) 84
4.8 Origin of Voids and Atomic Packing Factor (apf) 84
4.8.1 apf for a Primitive Cubic Structure (P) 85
4.9 Hexagonal and Cubic Close-packed Structures 85
4.10 Predictive Nature of Crystal Structure 86
4.11 Hypothetical Models of Centrosymmetric and Noncentrosymmetric Crystals 87
4.12 Symmetry Elements 88
4.13 Classification of Dielectric Materials: Polar and Nonpolar Groups 89
4.14 Space Groups 90
Glossary 91
Problems 92
References 93
Further Reading 93
5 Dominant Forces and Effects in Electroceramics 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 Agent-Property Relationship 95
5.3 Electric Field (E), Mechanical Stress (X), and Temperature (T) Diagram: Heckmann Diagram 96
5.3.1 Piezoelectric Zone 97
5.3.2 Pyroelectric Zone 97
5.3.3 Thermoelastic Zone 98
5.4 Electric Field, Mechanical Stress, and Magnetic Field Diagram 99
5.5 Multiferroics Phenomena and Materials 101
5.6 Magnetoelectric (ME) Effect and Associated Issues 103
5.6.1 Basic Formulations Governing the ME Effect 103
5.6.2 Composite ME Materials 104
5.6.3 ME Integrated Structures 104
5.6.4 Experimental Determination 104
5.7 Applications of Multiferroics 105
5.7.1 Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Coupled Memory 105
5.7.2 Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ) 106
5.8 Magnetostriction and Electrostriction 106
5.8.1 Magnetostriction 106
5.8.2 Electrostriction 107
5.9 Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.1 Crystallographic Considerations for Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.2 Mathematical Representation of Piezoelectric Effects 109
5.9.3 Constitutive Equations for Piezoelectricity 110
5.10 Experimental Determination of Piezoelectric Coefficients 111
5.10.1 Charge Coefficient, d 111
5.10.2 Stress Coefficient, e 112
5.10.3 Piezoelectric Devices and Applications 113 Piezoelectric Transducers 114 Generation of Sound and an AC Signal 114 Surface AcousticWave (SAW) Device 115 Piezoelectric Acoustic Amplifier 116 Piezoelectric Frequency Oscillator 116
5.10.4 MEMS Actuator 116
Glossary 118
Problems 119
References 120
6 Coupled Nonlinear Effects in Electroceramics 121
6.1 Introduction 121
6.2 Historical Perspective 123
6.3 Signature Properties of Ferroelectric Materials 123
6.3.1 Hysteresis Loop: Its Nature and Technical Importance 124
6.3.2 Temperature Dependence of Ferroelectric Parameters 125
6.3.3 Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant 125
6.3.4 Ferroelectric Domains 126
6.3.5 Electrets 126
6.3.6 Relaxor Ferroelectrics 126
6.4 Perovskite and Tungsten Bronze Structures 127
6.4.1 Perovskite Structure 127
6.4.2 Tungsten Bronze Structure 130
6.5 Landau-Ginsberg-Devonshire Mean Field Theory of Ferroelectricity 130
6.6 Experimental Determination of Ferroelectric Parameters 134
6.6.1 Poling of Samples for Experiments 134
6.6.2 Polarization vs. Electric Field 135
6.6.3 CapacitanceMeasurement and C-V Plot 136
6.6.4 Ferroelectric Domains (Experimental Determination) 137
6.7 Recent Applications of Ferroelectric Materials 138
6.8 Antiferroelectricity 139
6.9 Pyroelectricity 143
6.9.1 Historical Perspective 143
6.9.2 Pyroelectric Effect 143
6.9.3 Experimental Determination of Pyroelectric Coefficient 145
6.9.4 Applications of Pyroelectricity 146
6.10 Pyro-optic Effect 147
Glossary 148
Problems 150
References 150
Further Reading 151
7 Elements of a Semiconductor 153
7.1 Introduction 153
7.2 Nature of Electrical Conduction in Semiconductors 153
7.3 Energy Bands in Semiconductors 155
7.4 Origin of Holes and n- and p-Type Conduction 156
7.5 Important Concepts of Semiconductor Materials 158
7.5.1 Mobility, ?? 158
7.5.2 Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 159
7.5.3 Effective Mass, m* 160
7.5.4 Density of States and Fermi Energy 161
7.6 Experimental Determination of Semiconductor Properties 162
7.6.1 Determination of Resistivity, ?? 162
7.6.2 Four-Point Probe (van der Pauw) Method 163
7.6.3 Two-Point Probe Method 163
7.6.4 Determination of Bandgap, Eg 164
7.6.5 Determination of N- and P-Type Nature: Seebeck Effect 164
7.6.6 Determination of Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 166
7.6.7 Determination of Mobility, ?? 166 Haynes-Shockley Method 167 Hall Effect 168
Glossary 170
Problems 170
References 171
Further Reading 171
8 Electroceramic Semiconductor Devices 173
8.1 Introduction 173
8.2 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and the Schottky Diode 174
8.2.1 Metal-Metal Contact 174
8.2.2 Metal Semiconductor Contact 175
8.2.3 Schottky Diode 176
8.2.4 Determination of Contact Potential and DepletionWidth 178
8.2.5 Oxide Semiconductor Materials andTheir Properties 179
8.2.6 In Search of UV-blue LED 181
8.2.7 Determination of I-V Characteristics of a LED 182
8.2.8 Thin-film Transistor (TFT) 183
8.3 Varistor Diodes 184
8.3.1 Metal Oxide Varistors 185
8.4 Theoretical Considerations for Varistors 186
8.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of a Varistor 186
8.4.2 Idealized Model of Varistor Microstructure 186
8.4.3 Energy Band Diagram: Grain-Grain Boundary-Grain (G-GB-G) Structure 188
8.5 Varistor-Embedded Devices 190
8.5.1 Voltage Biased Varistor and Embedded Voltage Biased Transistor (VBT) 190 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 VBT Device 194 Comparison between a VBT, BJT, and Schottky Transistor 195
8.5.2 Electric Field Tuned Varistor and Its Embedded Electric Field Effect Transistor (E-FET) 196 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 E-FET Device 198
8.5.3 Magnetically Tuned Varistor and Embedded Magnetic Field Effect Transistor (H-FET) 198
8.6 Magnetic Field Sensor 202
8.7 Thermistors 206
8.7.1 Heating Effects in Thermistors 207
Glossary 210
Problems 212
References 213
Further Reading 214
9 Electroceramics and Green Energy 215
9.1 Introduction 215
9.2 What is Green Energy? 215
9.3 Energy Storage and Its Defining Parameters 217
9.3.1 Capacitor as an Energy Storage Device 218
9.3.2 Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid (BSH) Devices 220
9.3.3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester 220
9.3.4 MEMS Power Generator 222
9.3.5 Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Devices 222
9.3.6 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) 224
9.3.7 Antiferroelectric Energy Storage 225
Glossary 227
Problems 227
References 228
10 Electroceramic Magnetics 229
10.1 Introduction 229
10.2 Magnetic Parameters 229
10.3 Relationship between Magnetic Flux, Susceptibility, and Permeability 230
10.4 Signature Properties of Ferrites 231
10.4.1 Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Parameters 234
10.5 Typical Structures Associated with Ferrites 234
10.6 Essential Theoretical Concepts 235
10.7 Magnetic Nature of Electron 235
10.7.1 Molecular FieldTheory 236
10.7.2 Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism 237
10.7.3 Quantum Mechanics and Magnetism 238
10.8 Classical Applications of Ferrites 239
10.9 Novel Magnetic Technologies 239
10.9.1 GMR Effect 240
10.9.2 CMR Effect 241
10.9.3 Spintronics 241
Glossary 242
Problems 243
References 245
Further Reading 245
11 Electro-optics and Acousto-optics 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Nature of Light 247
11.2.1 Fundamental Optical Properties of a Crystal 248
11.2.2 Electro-optic Effects 249
11.2.3 Selected Electro-optic Applications 251 OpticalWaveguides 251 Phase Shifters 252 Electro-optic Modulators 252 Night Vision Devices (NVD) 252
11.2.4 Acousto-optic Effect and Applications 253
Glossary 254
Problems 255
References 255
Further Reading 255
AppendixA Periodic Table of the Elements 257
AppendixB Fundamental Physical Constants and Frequently Used Symbols and Units (Rounded to Three Decimal Points) 259
AppendixC List of Prefixes Commonly Used 261
AppendixD Frequently Used Symbols and Units 263
Index 265
About the CompanionWebsite xvii
1 Nature and Types of Solid Materials 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Defining Properties of Solids 1
1.2.1 Electrical Conductance (G) 1
1.2.2 Bandgap, Eg 2
1.2.3 Permeability, ?? 3
1.3 Fundamental Nature of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4 Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4.1 Case of Metals 5
1.4.2 Case of Semiconductors 5
1.4.3 Frequency Spectrum of Permittivity (or Dielectric Constant) 6
1.5 Essential Elements of Quantum Mechanics 7
1.5.1 Planck' Radiation Law 7
1.5.2 Photoelectric Effect 8
1.5.3 Bohr'sTheory of Hydrogen Atom 10
1.5.4 Matter-Wave Duality: de Broglie Hypothesis 11
1.5.5 Schroedinger'sWave Equation 12
1.5.6 Heisneberg's Uncertainty Principle 13
1.6 Quantum Numbers 13
1.7 Pauli Exclusion Principle 14
1.8 Periodic Table of Elements 15
1.9 Some Important Concepts of Solid-State Physics 18
1.9.1 Ceramic Superconductivity 18
1.9.2 Superconductivity and Technology 19
1.10 Signature Properties of Superconductors 19
1.10.1 Thermal Behavior of Resistivity of a Superconductor 20
1.10.2 Magnetic Nature of Superconductivity: Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect 20
1.10.3 Josephson Effect 22
1.11 Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 24
1.12 Band Structure of Solids 27
Glossary 29
Problems 30
References 31
Further Reading 31
2 Processing of Electroceramics 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Basic Concepts of Equilibrium Phase Diagram 33
2.2.1 Gibbs' Phase Rule 34
2.2.2 Triple Point and Interfaces 34
2.2.3 Binary Phase Diagrams 35 Totally Miscible Systems 35 Systems with Limited Solubility in Solid Phase 37
2.3 Methods of Ceramic Processing 38
2.3.1 Room Temperature Uniaxial Pressing (RTUP) 38
2.3.2 Other Methods for Powder Compaction and Densification 41 Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) 41 Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) 41 Low Temperature Sintering (LTP) 42
2.3.3 Nanoceramics 42
2.3.4 Thin Film Ceramics 42
2.3.5 Methods for Film Growth 43 Solgel Method 43 Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Method 44 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Method 46 RF Magnetron Sputtering Method 47 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) Method 49
2.3.6 Single Crystal Growth Methods for Ceramics 49 High Temperature Solution Growth (HTSG) Method or Flux Growth Method 50 Czochralski Growth Method 51 Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG) Method 52 Hydrothermal Growth 53 Some Other Methods of Crystal Growth 53
Glossary 54
Problems 55
References 55
3 Methods for Materials Characterization 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Methods for Surface and Structural Characterization 57
3.2.1 Optical Microscopes 58
3.2.2 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) 60 XRD Diffractometer: Intensity vs. 2?? Plot 60 Laue X-ray Diffraction Method 61
3.2.3 Electron Microscopes 63 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 64 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 65 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) 65 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 66
3.2.4 Force Microscopy 68 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 68 Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM) 69 Piezoelectric Force Microscope (PFM) 69
Glossary 70
Problems 71
References 71
4 Binding Forces in Solids and Essential Elements of Crystallography 73
4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 Binding Forces in Solids 73
4.2.1 Ionic Bonding 74
4.2.2 Covalent Bonding 74
4.2.3 Metallic Bonding 74
4.2.4 Van der Waals Bonding 75
4.2.5 Polar-molecule-induced Dipole Bonds 75
4.2.6 Permanent Dipole Bonding 75
4.3 Structure-Property Relationship 75
4.4 Basic Crystal Structures 77
4.4.1 Bravais Lattice 78
4.4.2 Miller Indices for Planes and Directions 79 Rule for Indexing a Crystal Direction 80
4.5 Reciprocal Lattice 81
4.6 Relationship between d* and Miller Indices for Selected Crystal Systems 81
4.7 Typical Examples of Crystal Structures 82
4.7.1 Sodium Chloride, NaCl 82
4.7.2 Perovskite Calcium Titanate 82
4.7.3 Diamond Structure 83
4.7.4 Zinc Blende (Also Wurtzite) 84
4.8 Origin of Voids and Atomic Packing Factor (apf) 84
4.8.1 apf for a Primitive Cubic Structure (P) 85
4.9 Hexagonal and Cubic Close-packed Structures 85
4.10 Predictive Nature of Crystal Structure 86
4.11 Hypothetical Models of Centrosymmetric and Noncentrosymmetric Crystals 87
4.12 Symmetry Elements 88
4.13 Classification of Dielectric Materials: Polar and Nonpolar Groups 89
4.14 Space Groups 90
Glossary 91
Problems 92
References 93
Further Reading 93
5 Dominant Forces and Effects in Electroceramics 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 Agent-Property Relationship 95
5.3 Electric Field (E), Mechanical Stress (X), and Temperature (T) Diagram: Heckmann Diagram 96
5.3.1 Piezoelectric Zone 97
5.3.2 Pyroelectric Zone 97
5.3.3 Thermoelastic Zone 98
5.4 Electric Field, Mechanical Stress, and Magnetic Field Diagram 99
5.5 Multiferroics Phenomena and Materials 101
5.6 Magnetoelectric (ME) Effect and Associated Issues 103
5.6.1 Basic Formulations Governing the ME Effect 103
5.6.2 Composite ME Materials 104
5.6.3 ME Integrated Structures 104
5.6.4 Experimental Determination 104
5.7 Applications of Multiferroics 105
5.7.1 Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Coupled Memory 105
5.7.2 Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ) 106
5.8 Magnetostriction and Electrostriction 106
5.8.1 Magnetostriction 106
5.8.2 Electrostriction 107
5.9 Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.1 Crystallographic Considerations for Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.2 Mathematical Representation of Piezoelectric Effects 109
5.9.3 Constitutive Equations for Piezoelectricity 110
5.10 Experimental Determination of Piezoelectric Coefficients 111
5.10.1 Charge Coefficient, d 111
5.10.2 Stress Coefficient, e 112
5.10.3 Piezoelectric Devices and Applications 113 Piezoelectric Transducers 114 Generation of Sound and an AC Signal 114 Surface AcousticWave (SAW) Device 115 Piezoelectric Acoustic Amplifier 116 Piezoelectric Frequency Oscillator 116
5.10.4 MEMS Actuator 116
Glossary 118
Problems 119
References 120
6 Coupled Nonlinear Effects in Electroceramics 121
6.1 Introduction 121
6.2 Historical Perspective 123
6.3 Signature Properties of Ferroelectric Materials 123
6.3.1 Hysteresis Loop: Its Nature and Technical Importance 124
6.3.2 Temperature Dependence of Ferroelectric Parameters 125
6.3.3 Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant 125
6.3.4 Ferroelectric Domains 126
6.3.5 Electrets 126
6.3.6 Relaxor Ferroelectrics 126
6.4 Perovskite and Tungsten Bronze Structures 127
6.4.1 Perovskite Structure 127
6.4.2 Tungsten Bronze Structure 130
6.5 Landau-Ginsberg-Devonshire Mean Field Theory of Ferroelectricity 130
6.6 Experimental Determination of Ferroelectric Parameters 134
6.6.1 Poling of Samples for Experiments 134
6.6.2 Polarization vs. Electric Field 135
6.6.3 CapacitanceMeasurement and C-V Plot 136
6.6.4 Ferroelectric Domains (Experimental Determination) 137
6.7 Recent Applications of Ferroelectric Materials 138
6.8 Antiferroelectricity 139
6.9 Pyroelectricity 143
6.9.1 Historical Perspective 143
6.9.2 Pyroelectric Effect 143
6.9.3 Experimental Determination of Pyroelectric Coefficient 145
6.9.4 Applications of Pyroelectricity 146
6.10 Pyro-optic Effect 147
Glossary 148
Problems 150
References 150
Further Reading 151
7 Elements of a Semiconductor 153
7.1 Introduction 153
7.2 Nature of Electrical Conduction in Semiconductors 153
7.3 Energy Bands in Semiconductors 155
7.4 Origin of Holes and n- and p-Type Conduction 156
7.5 Important Concepts of Semiconductor Materials 158
7.5.1 Mobility, ?? 158
7.5.2 Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 159
7.5.3 Effective Mass, m* 160
7.5.4 Density of States and Fermi Energy 161
7.6 Experimental Determination of Semiconductor Properties 162
7.6.1 Determination of Resistivity, ?? 162
7.6.2 Four-Point Probe (van der Pauw) Method 163
7.6.3 Two-Point Probe Method 163
7.6.4 Determination of Bandgap, Eg 164
7.6.5 Determination of N- and P-Type Nature: Seebeck Effect 164
7.6.6 Determination of Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 166
7.6.7 Determination of Mobility, ?? 166 Haynes-Shockley Method 167 Hall Effect 168
Glossary 170
Problems 170
References 171
Further Reading 171
8 Electroceramic Semiconductor Devices 173
8.1 Introduction 173
8.2 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and the Schottky Diode 174
8.2.1 Metal-Metal Contact 174
8.2.2 Metal Semiconductor Contact 175
8.2.3 Schottky Diode 176
8.2.4 Determination of Contact Potential and DepletionWidth 178
8.2.5 Oxide Semiconductor Materials andTheir Properties 179
8.2.6 In Search of UV-blue LED 181
8.2.7 Determination of I-V Characteristics of a LED 182
8.2.8 Thin-film Transistor (TFT) 183
8.3 Varistor Diodes 184
8.3.1 Metal Oxide Varistors 185
8.4 Theoretical Considerations for Varistors 186
8.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of a Varistor 186
8.4.2 Idealized Model of Varistor Microstructure 186
8.4.3 Energy Band Diagram: Grain-Grain Boundary-Grain (G-GB-G) Structure 188
8.5 Varistor-Embedded Devices 190
8.5.1 Voltage Biased Varistor and Embedded Voltage Biased Transistor (VBT) 190 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 VBT Device 194 Comparison between a VBT, BJT, and Schottky Transistor 195
8.5.2 Electric Field Tuned Varistor and Its Embedded Electric Field Effect Transistor (E-FET) 196 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 E-FET Device 198
8.5.3 Magnetically Tuned Varistor and Embedded Magnetic Field Effect Transistor (H-FET) 198
8.6 Magnetic Field Sensor 202
8.7 Thermistors 206
8.7.1 Heating Effects in Thermistors 207
Glossary 210
Problems 212
References 213
Further Reading 214
9 Electroceramics and Green Energy 215
9.1 Introduction 215
9.2 What is Green Energy? 215
9.3 Energy Storage and Its Defining Parameters 217
9.3.1 Capacitor as an Energy Storage Device 218
9.3.2 Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid (BSH) Devices 220
9.3.3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester 220
9.3.4 MEMS Power Generator 222
9.3.5 Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Devices 222
9.3.6 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) 224
9.3.7 Antiferroelectric Energy Storage 225
Glossary 227
Problems 227
References 228
10 Electroceramic Magnetics 229
10.1 Introduction 229
10.2 Magnetic Parameters 229
10.3 Relationship between Magnetic Flux, Susceptibility, and Permeability 230
10.4 Signature Properties of Ferrites 231
10.4.1 Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Parameters 234
10.5 Typical Structures Associated with Ferrites 234
10.6 Essential Theoretical Concepts 235
10.7 Magnetic Nature of Electron 235
10.7.1 Molecular FieldTheory 236
10.7.2 Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism 237
10.7.3 Quantum Mechanics and Magnetism 238
10.8 Classical Applications of Ferrites 239
10.9 Novel Magnetic Technologies 239
10.9.1 GMR Effect 240
10.9.2 CMR Effect 241
10.9.3 Spintronics 241
Glossary 242
Problems 243
References 245
Further Reading 245
11 Electro-optics and Acousto-optics 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Nature of Light 247
11.2.1 Fundamental Optical Properties of a Crystal 248
11.2.2 Electro-optic Effects 249
11.2.3 Selected Electro-optic Applications 251 OpticalWaveguides 251 Phase Shifters 252 Electro-optic Modulators 252 Night Vision Devices (NVD) 252
11.2.4 Acousto-optic Effect and Applications 253
Glossary 254
Problems 255
References 255
Further Reading 255
AppendixA Periodic Table of the Elements 257
AppendixB Fundamental Physical Constants and Frequently Used Symbols and Units (Rounded to Three Decimal Points) 259
AppendixC List of Prefixes Commonly Used 261
AppendixD Frequently Used Symbols and Units 263
Index 265
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
electroceramics; ceramics; physical ceramics; physical properties of ceramics; materials science; functional ceramics; ceramic technology; ceramic engineering; electrical engineering; applied physics; materials science and engineering; advanced structural ceramics; electroceramic theory; electroceramic mathematics; electroceramic phenomena; electroceramic materials; electroceramic devices; electroceramic applications
Preface xiii
About the CompanionWebsite xvii
1 Nature and Types of Solid Materials 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Defining Properties of Solids 1
1.2.1 Electrical Conductance (G) 1
1.2.2 Bandgap, Eg 2
1.2.3 Permeability, ?? 3
1.3 Fundamental Nature of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4 Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4.1 Case of Metals 5
1.4.2 Case of Semiconductors 5
1.4.3 Frequency Spectrum of Permittivity (or Dielectric Constant) 6
1.5 Essential Elements of Quantum Mechanics 7
1.5.1 Planck' Radiation Law 7
1.5.2 Photoelectric Effect 8
1.5.3 Bohr'sTheory of Hydrogen Atom 10
1.5.4 Matter-Wave Duality: de Broglie Hypothesis 11
1.5.5 Schroedinger'sWave Equation 12
1.5.6 Heisneberg's Uncertainty Principle 13
1.6 Quantum Numbers 13
1.7 Pauli Exclusion Principle 14
1.8 Periodic Table of Elements 15
1.9 Some Important Concepts of Solid-State Physics 18
1.9.1 Ceramic Superconductivity 18
1.9.2 Superconductivity and Technology 19
1.10 Signature Properties of Superconductors 19
1.10.1 Thermal Behavior of Resistivity of a Superconductor 20
1.10.2 Magnetic Nature of Superconductivity: Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect 20
1.10.3 Josephson Effect 22
1.11 Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 24
1.12 Band Structure of Solids 27
Glossary 29
Problems 30
References 31
Further Reading 31
2 Processing of Electroceramics 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Basic Concepts of Equilibrium Phase Diagram 33
2.2.1 Gibbs' Phase Rule 34
2.2.2 Triple Point and Interfaces 34
2.2.3 Binary Phase Diagrams 35 Totally Miscible Systems 35 Systems with Limited Solubility in Solid Phase 37
2.3 Methods of Ceramic Processing 38
2.3.1 Room Temperature Uniaxial Pressing (RTUP) 38
2.3.2 Other Methods for Powder Compaction and Densification 41 Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) 41 Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) 41 Low Temperature Sintering (LTP) 42
2.3.3 Nanoceramics 42
2.3.4 Thin Film Ceramics 42
2.3.5 Methods for Film Growth 43 Solgel Method 43 Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Method 44 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Method 46 RF Magnetron Sputtering Method 47 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) Method 49
2.3.6 Single Crystal Growth Methods for Ceramics 49 High Temperature Solution Growth (HTSG) Method or Flux Growth Method 50 Czochralski Growth Method 51 Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG) Method 52 Hydrothermal Growth 53 Some Other Methods of Crystal Growth 53
Glossary 54
Problems 55
References 55
3 Methods for Materials Characterization 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Methods for Surface and Structural Characterization 57
3.2.1 Optical Microscopes 58
3.2.2 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) 60 XRD Diffractometer: Intensity vs. 2?? Plot 60 Laue X-ray Diffraction Method 61
3.2.3 Electron Microscopes 63 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 64 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 65 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) 65 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 66
3.2.4 Force Microscopy 68 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 68 Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM) 69 Piezoelectric Force Microscope (PFM) 69
Glossary 70
Problems 71
References 71
4 Binding Forces in Solids and Essential Elements of Crystallography 73
4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 Binding Forces in Solids 73
4.2.1 Ionic Bonding 74
4.2.2 Covalent Bonding 74
4.2.3 Metallic Bonding 74
4.2.4 Van der Waals Bonding 75
4.2.5 Polar-molecule-induced Dipole Bonds 75
4.2.6 Permanent Dipole Bonding 75
4.3 Structure-Property Relationship 75
4.4 Basic Crystal Structures 77
4.4.1 Bravais Lattice 78
4.4.2 Miller Indices for Planes and Directions 79 Rule for Indexing a Crystal Direction 80
4.5 Reciprocal Lattice 81
4.6 Relationship between d* and Miller Indices for Selected Crystal Systems 81
4.7 Typical Examples of Crystal Structures 82
4.7.1 Sodium Chloride, NaCl 82
4.7.2 Perovskite Calcium Titanate 82
4.7.3 Diamond Structure 83
4.7.4 Zinc Blende (Also Wurtzite) 84
4.8 Origin of Voids and Atomic Packing Factor (apf) 84
4.8.1 apf for a Primitive Cubic Structure (P) 85
4.9 Hexagonal and Cubic Close-packed Structures 85
4.10 Predictive Nature of Crystal Structure 86
4.11 Hypothetical Models of Centrosymmetric and Noncentrosymmetric Crystals 87
4.12 Symmetry Elements 88
4.13 Classification of Dielectric Materials: Polar and Nonpolar Groups 89
4.14 Space Groups 90
Glossary 91
Problems 92
References 93
Further Reading 93
5 Dominant Forces and Effects in Electroceramics 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 Agent-Property Relationship 95
5.3 Electric Field (E), Mechanical Stress (X), and Temperature (T) Diagram: Heckmann Diagram 96
5.3.1 Piezoelectric Zone 97
5.3.2 Pyroelectric Zone 97
5.3.3 Thermoelastic Zone 98
5.4 Electric Field, Mechanical Stress, and Magnetic Field Diagram 99
5.5 Multiferroics Phenomena and Materials 101
5.6 Magnetoelectric (ME) Effect and Associated Issues 103
5.6.1 Basic Formulations Governing the ME Effect 103
5.6.2 Composite ME Materials 104
5.6.3 ME Integrated Structures 104
5.6.4 Experimental Determination 104
5.7 Applications of Multiferroics 105
5.7.1 Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Coupled Memory 105
5.7.2 Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ) 106
5.8 Magnetostriction and Electrostriction 106
5.8.1 Magnetostriction 106
5.8.2 Electrostriction 107
5.9 Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.1 Crystallographic Considerations for Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.2 Mathematical Representation of Piezoelectric Effects 109
5.9.3 Constitutive Equations for Piezoelectricity 110
5.10 Experimental Determination of Piezoelectric Coefficients 111
5.10.1 Charge Coefficient, d 111
5.10.2 Stress Coefficient, e 112
5.10.3 Piezoelectric Devices and Applications 113 Piezoelectric Transducers 114 Generation of Sound and an AC Signal 114 Surface AcousticWave (SAW) Device 115 Piezoelectric Acoustic Amplifier 116 Piezoelectric Frequency Oscillator 116
5.10.4 MEMS Actuator 116
Glossary 118
Problems 119
References 120
6 Coupled Nonlinear Effects in Electroceramics 121
6.1 Introduction 121
6.2 Historical Perspective 123
6.3 Signature Properties of Ferroelectric Materials 123
6.3.1 Hysteresis Loop: Its Nature and Technical Importance 124
6.3.2 Temperature Dependence of Ferroelectric Parameters 125
6.3.3 Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant 125
6.3.4 Ferroelectric Domains 126
6.3.5 Electrets 126
6.3.6 Relaxor Ferroelectrics 126
6.4 Perovskite and Tungsten Bronze Structures 127
6.4.1 Perovskite Structure 127
6.4.2 Tungsten Bronze Structure 130
6.5 Landau-Ginsberg-Devonshire Mean Field Theory of Ferroelectricity 130
6.6 Experimental Determination of Ferroelectric Parameters 134
6.6.1 Poling of Samples for Experiments 134
6.6.2 Polarization vs. Electric Field 135
6.6.3 CapacitanceMeasurement and C-V Plot 136
6.6.4 Ferroelectric Domains (Experimental Determination) 137
6.7 Recent Applications of Ferroelectric Materials 138
6.8 Antiferroelectricity 139
6.9 Pyroelectricity 143
6.9.1 Historical Perspective 143
6.9.2 Pyroelectric Effect 143
6.9.3 Experimental Determination of Pyroelectric Coefficient 145
6.9.4 Applications of Pyroelectricity 146
6.10 Pyro-optic Effect 147
Glossary 148
Problems 150
References 150
Further Reading 151
7 Elements of a Semiconductor 153
7.1 Introduction 153
7.2 Nature of Electrical Conduction in Semiconductors 153
7.3 Energy Bands in Semiconductors 155
7.4 Origin of Holes and n- and p-Type Conduction 156
7.5 Important Concepts of Semiconductor Materials 158
7.5.1 Mobility, ?? 158
7.5.2 Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 159
7.5.3 Effective Mass, m* 160
7.5.4 Density of States and Fermi Energy 161
7.6 Experimental Determination of Semiconductor Properties 162
7.6.1 Determination of Resistivity, ?? 162
7.6.2 Four-Point Probe (van der Pauw) Method 163
7.6.3 Two-Point Probe Method 163
7.6.4 Determination of Bandgap, Eg 164
7.6.5 Determination of N- and P-Type Nature: Seebeck Effect 164
7.6.6 Determination of Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 166
7.6.7 Determination of Mobility, ?? 166 Haynes-Shockley Method 167 Hall Effect 168
Glossary 170
Problems 170
References 171
Further Reading 171
8 Electroceramic Semiconductor Devices 173
8.1 Introduction 173
8.2 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and the Schottky Diode 174
8.2.1 Metal-Metal Contact 174
8.2.2 Metal Semiconductor Contact 175
8.2.3 Schottky Diode 176
8.2.4 Determination of Contact Potential and DepletionWidth 178
8.2.5 Oxide Semiconductor Materials andTheir Properties 179
8.2.6 In Search of UV-blue LED 181
8.2.7 Determination of I-V Characteristics of a LED 182
8.2.8 Thin-film Transistor (TFT) 183
8.3 Varistor Diodes 184
8.3.1 Metal Oxide Varistors 185
8.4 Theoretical Considerations for Varistors 186
8.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of a Varistor 186
8.4.2 Idealized Model of Varistor Microstructure 186
8.4.3 Energy Band Diagram: Grain-Grain Boundary-Grain (G-GB-G) Structure 188
8.5 Varistor-Embedded Devices 190
8.5.1 Voltage Biased Varistor and Embedded Voltage Biased Transistor (VBT) 190 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 VBT Device 194 Comparison between a VBT, BJT, and Schottky Transistor 195
8.5.2 Electric Field Tuned Varistor and Its Embedded Electric Field Effect Transistor (E-FET) 196 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 E-FET Device 198
8.5.3 Magnetically Tuned Varistor and Embedded Magnetic Field Effect Transistor (H-FET) 198
8.6 Magnetic Field Sensor 202
8.7 Thermistors 206
8.7.1 Heating Effects in Thermistors 207
Glossary 210
Problems 212
References 213
Further Reading 214
9 Electroceramics and Green Energy 215
9.1 Introduction 215
9.2 What is Green Energy? 215
9.3 Energy Storage and Its Defining Parameters 217
9.3.1 Capacitor as an Energy Storage Device 218
9.3.2 Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid (BSH) Devices 220
9.3.3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester 220
9.3.4 MEMS Power Generator 222
9.3.5 Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Devices 222
9.3.6 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) 224
9.3.7 Antiferroelectric Energy Storage 225
Glossary 227
Problems 227
References 228
10 Electroceramic Magnetics 229
10.1 Introduction 229
10.2 Magnetic Parameters 229
10.3 Relationship between Magnetic Flux, Susceptibility, and Permeability 230
10.4 Signature Properties of Ferrites 231
10.4.1 Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Parameters 234
10.5 Typical Structures Associated with Ferrites 234
10.6 Essential Theoretical Concepts 235
10.7 Magnetic Nature of Electron 235
10.7.1 Molecular FieldTheory 236
10.7.2 Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism 237
10.7.3 Quantum Mechanics and Magnetism 238
10.8 Classical Applications of Ferrites 239
10.9 Novel Magnetic Technologies 239
10.9.1 GMR Effect 240
10.9.2 CMR Effect 241
10.9.3 Spintronics 241
Glossary 242
Problems 243
References 245
Further Reading 245
11 Electro-optics and Acousto-optics 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Nature of Light 247
11.2.1 Fundamental Optical Properties of a Crystal 248
11.2.2 Electro-optic Effects 249
11.2.3 Selected Electro-optic Applications 251 OpticalWaveguides 251 Phase Shifters 252 Electro-optic Modulators 252 Night Vision Devices (NVD) 252
11.2.4 Acousto-optic Effect and Applications 253
Glossary 254
Problems 255
References 255
Further Reading 255
AppendixA Periodic Table of the Elements 257
AppendixB Fundamental Physical Constants and Frequently Used Symbols and Units (Rounded to Three Decimal Points) 259
AppendixC List of Prefixes Commonly Used 261
AppendixD Frequently Used Symbols and Units 263
Index 265
About the CompanionWebsite xvii
1 Nature and Types of Solid Materials 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Defining Properties of Solids 1
1.2.1 Electrical Conductance (G) 1
1.2.2 Bandgap, Eg 2
1.2.3 Permeability, ?? 3
1.3 Fundamental Nature of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4 Temperature Dependence of Electrical Conductivity 4
1.4.1 Case of Metals 5
1.4.2 Case of Semiconductors 5
1.4.3 Frequency Spectrum of Permittivity (or Dielectric Constant) 6
1.5 Essential Elements of Quantum Mechanics 7
1.5.1 Planck' Radiation Law 7
1.5.2 Photoelectric Effect 8
1.5.3 Bohr'sTheory of Hydrogen Atom 10
1.5.4 Matter-Wave Duality: de Broglie Hypothesis 11
1.5.5 Schroedinger'sWave Equation 12
1.5.6 Heisneberg's Uncertainty Principle 13
1.6 Quantum Numbers 13
1.7 Pauli Exclusion Principle 14
1.8 Periodic Table of Elements 15
1.9 Some Important Concepts of Solid-State Physics 18
1.9.1 Ceramic Superconductivity 18
1.9.2 Superconductivity and Technology 19
1.10 Signature Properties of Superconductors 19
1.10.1 Thermal Behavior of Resistivity of a Superconductor 20
1.10.2 Magnetic Nature of Superconductivity: Meissner-Ochsenfeld Effect 20
1.10.3 Josephson Effect 22
1.11 Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 24
1.12 Band Structure of Solids 27
Glossary 29
Problems 30
References 31
Further Reading 31
2 Processing of Electroceramics 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Basic Concepts of Equilibrium Phase Diagram 33
2.2.1 Gibbs' Phase Rule 34
2.2.2 Triple Point and Interfaces 34
2.2.3 Binary Phase Diagrams 35 Totally Miscible Systems 35 Systems with Limited Solubility in Solid Phase 37
2.3 Methods of Ceramic Processing 38
2.3.1 Room Temperature Uniaxial Pressing (RTUP) 38
2.3.2 Other Methods for Powder Compaction and Densification 41 Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) 41 Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) 41 Low Temperature Sintering (LTP) 42
2.3.3 Nanoceramics 42
2.3.4 Thin Film Ceramics 42
2.3.5 Methods for Film Growth 43 Solgel Method 43 Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Method 44 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Method 46 RF Magnetron Sputtering Method 47 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE) Method 49
2.3.6 Single Crystal Growth Methods for Ceramics 49 High Temperature Solution Growth (HTSG) Method or Flux Growth Method 50 Czochralski Growth Method 51 Top Seeded Solution Growth (TSSG) Method 52 Hydrothermal Growth 53 Some Other Methods of Crystal Growth 53
Glossary 54
Problems 55
References 55
3 Methods for Materials Characterization 57
3.1 Introduction 57
3.2 Methods for Surface and Structural Characterization 57
3.2.1 Optical Microscopes 58
3.2.2 X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) 60 XRD Diffractometer: Intensity vs. 2?? Plot 60 Laue X-ray Diffraction Method 61
3.2.3 Electron Microscopes 63 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 64 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 65 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) 65 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 66
3.2.4 Force Microscopy 68 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 68 Magnetic Force Microscope (MFM) 69 Piezoelectric Force Microscope (PFM) 69
Glossary 70
Problems 71
References 71
4 Binding Forces in Solids and Essential Elements of Crystallography 73
4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 Binding Forces in Solids 73
4.2.1 Ionic Bonding 74
4.2.2 Covalent Bonding 74
4.2.3 Metallic Bonding 74
4.2.4 Van der Waals Bonding 75
4.2.5 Polar-molecule-induced Dipole Bonds 75
4.2.6 Permanent Dipole Bonding 75
4.3 Structure-Property Relationship 75
4.4 Basic Crystal Structures 77
4.4.1 Bravais Lattice 78
4.4.2 Miller Indices for Planes and Directions 79 Rule for Indexing a Crystal Direction 80
4.5 Reciprocal Lattice 81
4.6 Relationship between d* and Miller Indices for Selected Crystal Systems 81
4.7 Typical Examples of Crystal Structures 82
4.7.1 Sodium Chloride, NaCl 82
4.7.2 Perovskite Calcium Titanate 82
4.7.3 Diamond Structure 83
4.7.4 Zinc Blende (Also Wurtzite) 84
4.8 Origin of Voids and Atomic Packing Factor (apf) 84
4.8.1 apf for a Primitive Cubic Structure (P) 85
4.9 Hexagonal and Cubic Close-packed Structures 85
4.10 Predictive Nature of Crystal Structure 86
4.11 Hypothetical Models of Centrosymmetric and Noncentrosymmetric Crystals 87
4.12 Symmetry Elements 88
4.13 Classification of Dielectric Materials: Polar and Nonpolar Groups 89
4.14 Space Groups 90
Glossary 91
Problems 92
References 93
Further Reading 93
5 Dominant Forces and Effects in Electroceramics 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 Agent-Property Relationship 95
5.3 Electric Field (E), Mechanical Stress (X), and Temperature (T) Diagram: Heckmann Diagram 96
5.3.1 Piezoelectric Zone 97
5.3.2 Pyroelectric Zone 97
5.3.3 Thermoelastic Zone 98
5.4 Electric Field, Mechanical Stress, and Magnetic Field Diagram 99
5.5 Multiferroics Phenomena and Materials 101
5.6 Magnetoelectric (ME) Effect and Associated Issues 103
5.6.1 Basic Formulations Governing the ME Effect 103
5.6.2 Composite ME Materials 104
5.6.3 ME Integrated Structures 104
5.6.4 Experimental Determination 104
5.7 Applications of Multiferroics 105
5.7.1 Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Coupled Memory 105
5.7.2 Multiferroic Tunnel Junctions (MTJ) 106
5.8 Magnetostriction and Electrostriction 106
5.8.1 Magnetostriction 106
5.8.2 Electrostriction 107
5.9 Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.1 Crystallographic Considerations for Piezoelectricity 108
5.9.2 Mathematical Representation of Piezoelectric Effects 109
5.9.3 Constitutive Equations for Piezoelectricity 110
5.10 Experimental Determination of Piezoelectric Coefficients 111
5.10.1 Charge Coefficient, d 111
5.10.2 Stress Coefficient, e 112
5.10.3 Piezoelectric Devices and Applications 113 Piezoelectric Transducers 114 Generation of Sound and an AC Signal 114 Surface AcousticWave (SAW) Device 115 Piezoelectric Acoustic Amplifier 116 Piezoelectric Frequency Oscillator 116
5.10.4 MEMS Actuator 116
Glossary 118
Problems 119
References 120
6 Coupled Nonlinear Effects in Electroceramics 121
6.1 Introduction 121
6.2 Historical Perspective 123
6.3 Signature Properties of Ferroelectric Materials 123
6.3.1 Hysteresis Loop: Its Nature and Technical Importance 124
6.3.2 Temperature Dependence of Ferroelectric Parameters 125
6.3.3 Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constant 125
6.3.4 Ferroelectric Domains 126
6.3.5 Electrets 126
6.3.6 Relaxor Ferroelectrics 126
6.4 Perovskite and Tungsten Bronze Structures 127
6.4.1 Perovskite Structure 127
6.4.2 Tungsten Bronze Structure 130
6.5 Landau-Ginsberg-Devonshire Mean Field Theory of Ferroelectricity 130
6.6 Experimental Determination of Ferroelectric Parameters 134
6.6.1 Poling of Samples for Experiments 134
6.6.2 Polarization vs. Electric Field 135
6.6.3 CapacitanceMeasurement and C-V Plot 136
6.6.4 Ferroelectric Domains (Experimental Determination) 137
6.7 Recent Applications of Ferroelectric Materials 138
6.8 Antiferroelectricity 139
6.9 Pyroelectricity 143
6.9.1 Historical Perspective 143
6.9.2 Pyroelectric Effect 143
6.9.3 Experimental Determination of Pyroelectric Coefficient 145
6.9.4 Applications of Pyroelectricity 146
6.10 Pyro-optic Effect 147
Glossary 148
Problems 150
References 150
Further Reading 151
7 Elements of a Semiconductor 153
7.1 Introduction 153
7.2 Nature of Electrical Conduction in Semiconductors 153
7.3 Energy Bands in Semiconductors 155
7.4 Origin of Holes and n- and p-Type Conduction 156
7.5 Important Concepts of Semiconductor Materials 158
7.5.1 Mobility, ?? 158
7.5.2 Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 159
7.5.3 Effective Mass, m* 160
7.5.4 Density of States and Fermi Energy 161
7.6 Experimental Determination of Semiconductor Properties 162
7.6.1 Determination of Resistivity, ?? 162
7.6.2 Four-Point Probe (van der Pauw) Method 163
7.6.3 Two-Point Probe Method 163
7.6.4 Determination of Bandgap, Eg 164
7.6.5 Determination of N- and P-Type Nature: Seebeck Effect 164
7.6.6 Determination of Direct and Indirect Bandgap, Eg 166
7.6.7 Determination of Mobility, ?? 166 Haynes-Shockley Method 167 Hall Effect 168
Glossary 170
Problems 170
References 171
Further Reading 171
8 Electroceramic Semiconductor Devices 173
8.1 Introduction 173
8.2 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts and the Schottky Diode 174
8.2.1 Metal-Metal Contact 174
8.2.2 Metal Semiconductor Contact 175
8.2.3 Schottky Diode 176
8.2.4 Determination of Contact Potential and DepletionWidth 178
8.2.5 Oxide Semiconductor Materials andTheir Properties 179
8.2.6 In Search of UV-blue LED 181
8.2.7 Determination of I-V Characteristics of a LED 182
8.2.8 Thin-film Transistor (TFT) 183
8.3 Varistor Diodes 184
8.3.1 Metal Oxide Varistors 185
8.4 Theoretical Considerations for Varistors 186
8.4.1 Equivalent Circuit of a Varistor 186
8.4.2 Idealized Model of Varistor Microstructure 186
8.4.3 Energy Band Diagram: Grain-Grain Boundary-Grain (G-GB-G) Structure 188
8.5 Varistor-Embedded Devices 190
8.5.1 Voltage Biased Varistor and Embedded Voltage Biased Transistor (VBT) 190 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 VBT Device 194 Comparison between a VBT, BJT, and Schottky Transistor 195
8.5.2 Electric Field Tuned Varistor and Its Embedded Electric Field Effect Transistor (E-FET) 196 Frequency Dependence of IHC 45 E-FET Device 198
8.5.3 Magnetically Tuned Varistor and Embedded Magnetic Field Effect Transistor (H-FET) 198
8.6 Magnetic Field Sensor 202
8.7 Thermistors 206
8.7.1 Heating Effects in Thermistors 207
Glossary 210
Problems 212
References 213
Further Reading 214
9 Electroceramics and Green Energy 215
9.1 Introduction 215
9.2 What is Green Energy? 215
9.3 Energy Storage and Its Defining Parameters 217
9.3.1 Capacitor as an Energy Storage Device 218
9.3.2 Battery-Supercapacitor Hybrid (BSH) Devices 220
9.3.3 Piezoelectric Energy Harvester 220
9.3.4 MEMS Power Generator 222
9.3.5 Ferroelectric Photovoltaic Devices 222
9.3.6 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) 224
9.3.7 Antiferroelectric Energy Storage 225
Glossary 227
Problems 227
References 228
10 Electroceramic Magnetics 229
10.1 Introduction 229
10.2 Magnetic Parameters 229
10.3 Relationship between Magnetic Flux, Susceptibility, and Permeability 230
10.4 Signature Properties of Ferrites 231
10.4.1 Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Parameters 234
10.5 Typical Structures Associated with Ferrites 234
10.6 Essential Theoretical Concepts 235
10.7 Magnetic Nature of Electron 235
10.7.1 Molecular FieldTheory 236
10.7.2 Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism 237
10.7.3 Quantum Mechanics and Magnetism 238
10.8 Classical Applications of Ferrites 239
10.9 Novel Magnetic Technologies 239
10.9.1 GMR Effect 240
10.9.2 CMR Effect 241
10.9.3 Spintronics 241
Glossary 242
Problems 243
References 245
Further Reading 245
11 Electro-optics and Acousto-optics 247
11.1 Introduction 247
11.2 Nature of Light 247
11.2.1 Fundamental Optical Properties of a Crystal 248
11.2.2 Electro-optic Effects 249
11.2.3 Selected Electro-optic Applications 251 OpticalWaveguides 251 Phase Shifters 252 Electro-optic Modulators 252 Night Vision Devices (NVD) 252
11.2.4 Acousto-optic Effect and Applications 253
Glossary 254
Problems 255
References 255
Further Reading 255
AppendixA Periodic Table of the Elements 257
AppendixB Fundamental Physical Constants and Frequently Used Symbols and Units (Rounded to Three Decimal Points) 259
AppendixC List of Prefixes Commonly Used 261
AppendixD Frequently Used Symbols and Units 263
Index 265
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electroceramics; ceramics; physical ceramics; physical properties of ceramics; materials science; functional ceramics; ceramic technology; ceramic engineering; electrical engineering; applied physics; materials science and engineering; advanced structural ceramics; electroceramic theory; electroceramic mathematics; electroceramic phenomena; electroceramic materials; electroceramic devices; electroceramic applications