Computer-Supported Collaboration

Computer-Supported Collaboration

Theory and Practice

Alem, Leila; Huang, Weidong; Rasmussen, Troels; Xiao, Chun; Billinghurst, Mark

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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About the Authors xiii

Acknowledgments xv

1 Remote Collaboration on Physical Tasks 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Remote Collaboration in Perspective 2

1.3 Book Audience 5

2 Communication Models for Remote Guidance 7

2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 Overview of Communication Models 9

2.2.1 Linear Communication Models 12

2.2.2 Nonlinear Communication Models 13

2.2.3 Summary 18

2.3 Applying Communication Models 19

2.4 Communication Behaviors in AR Conferencing 22

2.5 A Communication Model for AR 32

2.6 Conclusions 34

3 Communication Cues in Augmented Remote Collaboration 41

3.1 Introduction 41

3.2 The Research Landscape -- Trends Over Time 43

3.3 Communication in Augmented Remote Collaboration 48

3.4 Challenges 65

3.5 Future Directions 67

3.6 Conclusion 68

4 Communication Cues for Remote Guidance 81

4.1 Introduction 81

4.2 Explicit Communication Cues 84

4.3 Implicit Communication Cues 100

4.4 Challenges and Future Directions 104

4.5 Conclusion 105

5 Communicating Eye Gaze Cues in Remote Collaboration on Physical Tasks 115

5.1 Introduction 115

5.2 The Changing Research Landscape -- Research Topic Trends and Teams over the Past Two Decades 117

5.3 Categorization of System Setup Based on the Screened Publications 122

5.4 Gaze Visualization 127

5.5 Functionality of Tracked Gaze in Remote Guidance on Physical Tasks 130

5.6 Challenges of Utilizing Eye Tracking in Remote Collaboration 132

5.7 Future Directions 133

5.8 Conclusion 135

6 Evaluating Augmented Reality Remote Guidance Systems 143

6.1 Introduction 143

6.2 Evaluation Methods for Collaborative AR 148

6.3 Case Studies From Example Systems 152

6.4 Guidelines 163

6.5 Directions for Research 164

6.6 Conclusion 166

7 Supporting Remote Hand Gestures over the Workspace Video 173

7.1 Introduction 173

7.2 RelatedWork 176

7.3 HandsOnVideo 177

7.4 User Testing 183

7.5 Discussion 189

7.6 Conclusion and Future work 190

8 Gesturing in the Air in Supporting Full Mobility 195

8.1 Introduction 195

8.2 Background 197

8.3 System Overview 200

8.4 Usability Study 203

8.5 Discussion 209

8.6 Concluding Remarks and Future Work 210

9 Sharing Hand Gesture and Sketch Cues with a Touch User Interface 215

9.1 Introduction 215

9.2 RelatedWork 217

9.3 Methods and Materials 220

9.4 Results 228

9.5 Discussion 234

9.6 Limitations 237

9.7 Conclusion 238

10 Augmenting Hand Gestures in 3D Mixed Reality 243

10.1 Introduction 243

10.2 RelatedWork 245

10.3 System Overview 248

10.4 Evaluation 253

10.5 A Comparison of User Ratings between HandsInAir and HandsIn3D 260

10.6 Conclusion and Future Work 262

11 Supporting Tailorability to Meet Individual Task Needs 269

11.1 Introduction 269

11.2 Component-Based Design of RemoteAssistKit 271

11.3 Identifying Tailorable Aspects of Remote Assistance 276

11.4 How Users Tailor Remote Assistance 281

11.5 The Importance of Nonverbal Guidance Depends on the Knowledge Relationship 287

11.6 Sharing of Machine Sounds Is Important for Remote Troubleshooting 288

11.7 High-Resolution Views Are Important for Remote Product Quality Optimization 289

11.8 The Manufacturing Context Poses a Challenge for Creating 3D Reconstructions with Depth Cameras 290

11.9 Multiple Cameras SupportWorkspace Awareness in Large Industrial Task Spaces 290

11.10 Concluding Remarks 293

12 Supporting Workspace Awareness with Augmented Reality-Based Multi-camera Visualization and Tracking 299

12.1 Introduction 299

12.2 Augmented Reality for Supporting Awareness During Multi-camera Remote Assistance 302

12.3 Future Research on Multi-camera Remote Assistance 314

12.4 Discussion of 2D vs. 3DWorkspace Information 320

12.5 Concluding Remarks 321

13 Industrial Applications, Current Challenges, and Future Directions 327

13.1 Introduction 327

13.2 Remote Guidance Systems 327

13.3 Technical, Ethical, and Research Challenges and Future Directions 331

13.4 Conclusion 338

References 339

Index 343
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Remote collaboration; human factors; hand gesturing; communication cues; computer supported communication; co-presence; augmented reality; user experience; wearable and mobile technologies; shared visual space; Interface design; Human-Computer interaction